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A Bird Box Camera Diary

Enjoy our video Diary, kindly donated by one of our Customers.

Although Brief, it gives a fantastic insight into watching birds in a bird box.

Our Cedar Bird Box & Camera has been used in this video diary.


Mother Blue Tit is preparing her nest. She isn't happy with one of the feathers in there so gets rid. It's got to be perfect for her babies.

First two chicks have hatched and mother Blue Tit is checking them over and keeping them warm.

Nest has been built, another three eggs were hatched last night, so we're up to five. Mum leaves nest for a short while and returns at end of clip to feed one of her chicks.

8-9 chicks now, and all starting to look very hungry!

Utter chaos in my box! There are 7 birds all fighting for very little space. Two or three are not doing too well, quite smallcompared to the others and getting very squashed - poor things. Camera has moved very slightly - nothing I can do about that of course.

Watch this as one of the babies does a 'number 2' which is taken immediately by one of the parents. This happens a LOT, and I had to share it with you! So clever...prevents any mess in the nest

BIG Babies Now - No room really. Surely they will be leaving soon. We have no room left!

All Gone now - We are very excited about next season.


Cedar Bird Box and Colour Camera